Three Rivers Outdoors is your one-stop outdoor center for experiencing the Altamaha River in all its glory.

We gladly usher you along the +130 mile trek as the Altamaha meanders toward the Atlantic. We are your turn key outfitter, handling every detail from the time you ‘put in’ to the time you ‘take out’ and head back home, refreshed. For do-it-yourselfers, we can provide the essentials such as food, water, clothing, maps (regional, state, local, river-specific), emergency support, etc.

Packing List

A suggested itemization gleaned from years on the river:

Day Trip Gear
Overnight Gear Checklist
Safety Checklist

Review our materials/resources at the following links:

How To Find Three Rivers Outdoors



Altamaha River Partnership at


Altamaha River weather can often be secured through The Weather Channel – local radar (Uvalda, GA) at: Local weather forecast

Area River-related Events and Activities

See Friends of the River section for those along the river and/or within a regional drive.

Outdoor Activities

See Outdoor Adventures for those along the river and/or within a regional drive.

Waiver Form

Waiver form for Three Rivers Outdoors-specific travelers.

Trip Planning Contacts

One of the best ways you can experience firsthand the abundance of natural beauty, history, and culture in this region is to engage with our eco-tourism friendly chambers of commerce listed below:

Baxley-Appling County Board of Tourism
305 W. Parker St., Hwy. 341
P.O. Box 537
Baxley, GA 31515

Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis Tourism
95 E. Jarman St.
P O Box 546
Hazlehurst, GA 31539
912-375-4543, fax 912-375-7948

Montgomery & Toombs County Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 362
Mt. Vernon, GA 30445

Vidalia Area Convention and Visitors Bureau
100 Vidalia Sweet Onion Dr.
Vidalia, GA 30474
912-538-8687, 912-538-8690
Click for the latest Uvalda weather forecast.